La Insostenible Big Band. Back to Swing
Viernes 7. La Insostenible Big Band. Back to Swing. 20:00 h. 15 €
La Insostenible Big Band, con 23 músicos en escena, presenta un repertorio clásico del Swing, con un homenaje a Henry Mancini en el 100 aniversario de su nacimiento, de ahí el nombre del concierto, temas como Moment's notice, Big swing face, The pink panther, Ain't misbehavin, A shot in the dark, My funny Valentine, y otros se podrán oír en el concierto. Os esperamos.
Friday 7th. The Unsustainable Big Band. Back to Swing. 8:00 p.m. €15
The Unsustainable Big Band, with 23 musicians on stage, presents a classic Swing repertoire, with a tribute to Henry Mancini on the 100th anniversary of his birth, hence the name of the concert. Songs such as Moment's notice, Big swing face, The pink panther, Ain't misbehavin, A shot in the dark, My funny Valentine, and others can be heard at the concert. We look forward to seeing you.